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Lumigan + Applicators
( Bimatoprost )
Lumigan eyedrops are widely used by people all over the globe and also promoted by celebrities because of its property of making the eyelashes grow thicker, darker and stronger. Our eyelashes are the barrier which keeps out dust, sweat and water from getting into our eyes, potentially harming them and impairing our vision. This is the reason why we need to understand that having healthy eyelashes means having a healthy eyesight.
3 ml
1 bottle
kr 878.03
kr 878.03 per bottle
+ Package delivery insurance
+ Next orders 10% discount
+ Next orders 10% discount
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kr 0.00
3 ml
3 bottles
kr 2335.37
kr 778.46 per bottle
+ Package delivery insurance
+ Next orders 10% discount
+ Next orders 10% discount
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kr 298.72
3 ml
6 bottles
kr 4259.92
kr 709.99 per bottle
+ Package delivery insurance
+ Next orders 10% discount
+ Next orders 10% discount
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kr 1008.27