Generic Nolvadex ( Tamoxifen )
Nolvadex is able to cause ovulation in women. In men with oligospermia it increases concentration of hormones. Cancer treatment.
10 mg
20 pills
﷼ 36.47
﷼ 1.82 per pill
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10 mg
30 pills
﷼ 45.95
﷼ 1.53 per pill
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save: ﷼ 8.75
10 mg
60 pills
﷼ 85.33
﷼ 1.42 per pill
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10 mg
90 pills
﷼ 114.87
﷼ 1.28 per pill
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save: ﷼ 49.23
10 mg
120 pills
﷼ 140.03
﷼ 1.17 per pill
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save: ﷼ 78.77
10 mg
180 pills
﷼ 183.79
﷼ 1.02 per pill
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save: ﷼ 144.41
10 mg
270 pills
﷼ 246.15
﷼ 0.91 per pill
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save: ﷼ 246.15
10 mg
360 pills
﷼ 301.95
﷼ 0.84 per pill
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save: ﷼ 354.46
20 mg
20 pills
﷼ 71.48
﷼ 3.57 per pill
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20 mg
30 pills
﷼ 89.71
﷼ 2.99 per pill
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save: ﷼ 17.50
20 mg
60 pills
﷼ 170.67
﷼ 2.84 per pill
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save: ﷼ 43.76
20 mg
90 pills
﷼ 233.03
﷼ 2.59 per pill
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save: ﷼ 88.62
20 mg
120 pills
﷼ 288.82
﷼ 2.41 per pill
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save: ﷼ 140.03
20 mg
180 pills
﷼ 400.41
﷼ 2.22 per pill
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save: ﷼ 242.87
20 mg
270 pills
﷼ 541.54
﷼ 2.01 per pill
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+ Next orders 10% discount
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save: ﷼ 423.38
Product Description

Common use

Nolvadex is a non-steroid anti-estrogen which competitively inhibits estrogen receptors in the target organs and tumors in them. Mechanism of its action is not completely investigated though it is known that a complex of Nolvadex with the receptor and cofactor appears and than it is transferred to the cell nucleus preventing hypertrophy of the cells which depend on regulation by estrogen. The effect of the medication can last several weeks after a single dose. Nolvadex is able to cause ovulation in women, stimulation production of gonadotropic hormones of hypophysis. In men with oligospermia it increases concentration of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, testosterone and estrogen in the blood serum. Nolvadex is used to treat breast cancer in women and in men (especially after castration) and also when it has spread to other parts of the body, kidney cancer, melanomas and sarcomas of the soft tissues with estrogen receptors, cancer of the ovary.

Dosage and direction

Take it exactly as recommended by your physician as the dosage depends on your condition. Long treatment (about 2 years) is advised. Take this medication with food and a big glass of water as a single dose or divide it in two (taken in the morning and the evening), do not chew or crush them.


This medication may increase the possibility of developing endometrial cancer. Patients who are treated with Nolvadex should be monitored for any abnormal vaginal bleeding, changes in menstrual periods, change in vaginal discharge, or pelvic pain or pressure.


Nolvadex is contradicted in patients with hypersensitivity to this medication and also in women who are threated by coumarin-type anticoagulant therapy or in women with deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolus in history, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Cautiousness should be exercised in patients with eye diseases (including cataracts), hyperlipidemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypercalcemia, severe thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism (also in history).

Side effects

Side effects are not expected. If they change from minor to severe you should immediately inform your doctor about it. Side effects caused by Nolvadex are: hot flashes, nausea, vomiting, weight gain, abnormal menstrual periods.

Drug interaction

Nolvadex is able to cause abnormalities in liver and blood tests, so regular monitoring of side effects caused by Nolvadex is required. If such signs as jaundice and bleeding appear a patient should immediately seek for immediate medical help.

Missed dose

If you forgot to take your dose in time, please do it as soon as you remember. But do not take if it is too late or almost time for your next dose. Do not take double or extra doses. Take your usually dose next day in the same regularly time.


Acute overdosage in humans has not been reported. In patients with metastatic cancer treated with the maximally tolerated doses of Nolvadex side acute neurotoxicity manifested by tremor, hyperreflexia, unsteady gait and dizziness were observed. If you supposes that took too much of this medication look for immediate medical help and contact your doctor.


Store at room temperature between 20-25 C (68-77 F).


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.

Shipping Worldwide
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Delivery 14-21 days 10$ Tracking# available in 4 days
Delivery 9-14 days 30$ Tracking# available in 2 days
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Your order will be packed safe and secure and dispatched within 24 hours. This is exactly how your parcel will look like (pictures of a real shipping item). It has a size and a look of a regular private letter (9.4x4.3x0.3 inches or 24x11x0.7cm) and it does not disclose its contents
  • Shipping worldwide
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  • Dispatch orders within 24 hours
  • 100% success delivery
oscar ignacio gonzalez
5 stars out of 5
I prefer not to take generics of Nolvadex if I can buy the original Nolvadex online from the certified company. The seller cares about its name and image and makes a quick delivery. I always buy Nolvadex from them.
Joseph Leon
5 stars out of 5
I’ve been taking Nolvadex for 2 years. It’s not a very aggressive medicine, and it is well tolerated. I always get it delivered on time by the online company.
Peter Messely
4 stars out of 5
I take Nolvadex with steroids. It also reduces cholesterol and helps to remove excess water from your body. Effective pills! I like it!!! I buy it here the site.
Ray Adams
5 stars out of 5
The product is excellent. My doctor prescribed it for 5 years. This is my second year of taking Novaldex 20 mg. I think a 10 mg dosage is when you have the early case of cancer.
donatus nwokoye
5 stars out of 5
As for me, I also prefer the original rather than analogues of the same drug. The principles of effectiveness are different, and there might be more side effects. I take Nolvadex only online, as I already trust the company, and they deliver it without any problems.
Hugo Arnou
4 stars out of 5
I was afraid of side effects of Nolvadex, but, actually, I didn’t face them at all. You doctor told me about that. I’ve been taking Nolvadex for a few months, and it has a good effect on me. I buy it from one and the same seller, who ships it without any delay.
Pierluigi Pettini
5 stars out of 5
My friend has a breast cancer. The doctor prescribed her to take Nolvadex 10 first, to see how it will work with her. As far as I know, both the doctor and the patient are satisfied with the results. So, the higher dosage of 20 mg was not needed in her case.
Thomas Lindahl
4 stars out of 5
A friend of mine says there are some analogues of the same product, but I prefer the original. I trust the seller site where I buy it and they always deliver it fast. Very good pills!
Gianluca Costantini
4 stars out of 5
I was taking a course of Nolvadex. It is a very mild estrogen, and it exhibits the estrogenic activity in liver. This effect on the liver has a positive effect on all my body. I ordered Nolvadex only from this seller site the site, as the risk to buy a fake stuff is completely excluded.
Damien Mastroianni
5 stars out of 5
The anabolic activity of steroids decreases when I take them together with Nolvadex . But for me that’s fine as I always take a big dose of steroids. I buy Nolvadex from the same online company, and they ship the pills quickly.
biagio pistritto
4 stars out of 5
I use Novaldex for my bodybuilding program. It is a drug that can prevent the negative effects of taking steroids. I’ve been taking it for a year with a good result. Look here the site – they have a good original stuff.
5 stars out of 5
I’d been taking steroids for a long time and noticed the decrease of my potency. My friends advised to take Novaldex. I started with a 10 mg dose, and then changed to 20 mg. After a month of taking the pills the potency increased significantly, I feel stronger, my muscles became firmer.
Anthony Casanueva
5 stars out of 5
This is my second week of taking Novaldex 20. I decided to try it in order to prevent side effects from taking steroids. I started with a dosage of 20 mg directly, and I don’t see any unpleasant symptoms. The pills work well!
Jesse Braden
5 stars out of 5
I was taking Nolvadex 10 for a long time. The therapeutic effect was positive, but not from the first days. I was afraid to take Nolvadex 20 because of the side effects. But for me 10 mg was enough. This is really the most effective product, with no side effects noticed.
William Sigworth
4 stars out of 5
I take it together with anabolic steroids to get rippling muscles. I never had problems with the supplier. Get my pills very quickly.
aleksandr serebryannyy
5 stars out of 5
This excellent medicine completely protects my body from unwanted clumps of estrogens. I take it as per my doctor’s prescription and buy it online from the trusted seller who sends them always without delay.
Robert Jessup
5 stars out of 5
My sister was taking Nolvadex when she had a suspected case of breast cancer. We ordered it online from this website the site. She started to take, and in a few months her doctor said the progression of the disease stopped.
George Sims
5 stars out of 5
I bought this medication to reduce the number of estrogens in my body. I recommend taking Nolvadex as an anti-estrogen. I took Nolvadex 10, I think the dose of 20 mg is for serious diseases.
Pieter de Monchy
5 stars out of 5
A friend of mine has been taking it for 6 years after she was operated on. She had a breast cancer. A week ago she has an ultrasound investigation., and they didn’t find metastasis. She was taking Novaldex 20 mg as it was prescribed.
luciano meucci
5 stars out of 5
I am absolutely confident that Nolvadex helps almost everyone, but Nolvadex can show different results on different people. My doctor prescribed it for me, and I control the clumps of estrogens while taking Nolvadex. They can’t be entirely blocked, as a part of it is necessary for the body’s work. I take it as prescribed and always buy it online. I also have no problems with delivery. I always get my pills quickly enough.
Carlos Albert
5 stars out of 5
I also use them for muscles. But before taking it, I checked my endocrine profile and tested sugar in my blood, then checked my workout and nutrition plans. And also, I take the original Nolvadex with a normal period of validity. I always take it online here the site.
Gianluigi Torri
4 stars out of 5
I buy Nolvadex for my aunt here the site. She is 62, and she takes if because of her gynecological problems. This is the second year of permanent taking. She says it really helps.
Fernando Martinez
4 stars out of 5
The doctor prescribed Novaldex to my wife against her breast cancer. She takes it in a 20 mg dosage. She already feels better, and I hope the progression of the disease will stop.
brian todd
5 stars out of 5
100% effective pills. Nolvadex helps my granny. She takes it permanently, as her doctor prescribed. We order it for her online and always get the original stuff which is each time delivered very quickly by the medical company.
Kathleen McArthur
5 stars out of 5
My grand mom takes Nolvadex too. I do not know about the therapeutic effect, but, as she says, she feels better now. We hope that the progression of her cancer will slow down. Now her doctor prescribed Nolvadex, 10 as the stage of her breast cancer is initial.
Mario Fracassi
5 stars out of 5
I have mastopathy. I was prescribed a medicine Nolvadex 10. It’s very effective. I get it delivered quickly from the online seller site.
Antonio Rai
5 stars out of 5
I find this product very powerful, and I try to use very carefully and wisely. I always take it from the trusted seller on the site.Wish you to be healthy!
Andrew Jarman
4 stars out of 5
The pills are very effective, but my wife consulted her doctor about the dosage and so. I always order Nolvadex online for my wife on the site: the site. She’s been taking it for one and a half year.
Cliff Mclean
5 stars out of 5
I was taking Nolvadex 10. There were some side effects - first a slight weakness, then nausea. But now everything is normal. Nolvadex 20 is stronger, I think, and may be it has more side effects.
Michel Gobet
4 stars out of 5
Nolvadex blocks estrogens effectively. My sister is taking it as prescribed by her doctor against the breast cancer. We order it for her online, and always get the necessary medicine on time and without delay.
Aswin Vogel
5 stars out of 5
I take Novaldex with steroids as well. The mass of muscles increases with every my workout, which is very good for me. I took Novaldex 10 first, and then increased the dosage to 20 mg.
Ammour Nadjib
5 stars out of 5
I’ve been taking Nolvadex 10 for a few weeks, and I feel positive changes in my body. Nolvadex 20 might have more side effects, I think. But my doctor prescribed the dosage of 10 mg only.
urtzi zubizarreta
4 stars out of 5
My girlfriend takes it as a measure against her breast cancer, and she says there is already a positive effect, Hope she’ll get better soon. As I know, she buys it here the site.
Ben Salisbury
5 stars out of 5
My elder brother was taking Nolvadex 10, but for a long time, and the effect is evident. The tumor stopped to increase in size after a month of taking the pills. The doctor was thinking to change the dose to 20 mg, but he was satisfied with the positive effect and left the same dosage.
Filipe Martins de Lopes
5 stars out of 5
Before ordering Nolvadex for myself, I read many positive reviews about the medicine. Nolvadex inhibits the progression of a cancerous growth. My aunt says it helps. But she’s been taking it for a long time. She buys it on the website the site.The company provides the original product. I take my Cialis pills on the same site, by the way.
5 stars out of 5
Very good and 100% effective. I buy on the website the site, and I know that I buy the original.
Edwin Lee
5 stars out of 5
My sister was taking it after the operation because of a breast cancer. She said the effect is very good. She has a year of a remission now. She was also taking Novaldex 20. In her situation it was the best solution.
5 stars out of 5
What I like about Nolvadex is its mechanism of action is reduced to blockade of different types of estrogen receptors. But sometimes I feel dizzy and lose appetite, and sometimes it makes you tired. I always take it on the website the site.
Michael Cao
4 stars out of 5
I needed to take Nolvadex for a long time, but I was afraid about the side effects, but everything was fine, and I had a very positive effect on me. I take Nolvadex from the company which I know and trust - the site.
andreas Niebel
5 stars out of 5
In the instructions many side effects are mentioned, but I feel OK while taking it. I order it here the site.
Generosa Onio
5 stars out of 5
I come to this pharmacy every time I need Nolvadex 20 mg… and speedy delivery. Not only do they deliver straight to your door so you don't have to make a run to the post office, they also deliver faster than you expect, so it's always is a nice surprise. Oh and I recommend ordering Nolvadex 20 mg in larger amounts from them, you will get a nice discount.
Jennifer Carranza Meza
4 stars out of 5
Does Nolvadex 20 mg work? It certainly does, the fact I am cancer free proves it! I was taking an antidepressant simultaneously, had no side effects or interactions. I ordered this drug online because that way it costs me much less, and I do not regret this decision. Of course, I will be watching my health like a hawk now, but Nolvadex did an excellent job when I needed it.
Mary R. Booher
4 stars out of 5
I always buy Nolvadex 20 mg at this pharmacy, been shopping here for three years. I still have two years to go, but the treatment is not costing too much anyway. Insurance and doctors visits would cost so much more, I thank god I decided to buy my Nolvadex at an online pharmacy. This one has nice deals every time, so I can save extra money.
Helena D. Lorenzen
5 stars out of 5
This pharmacy is known for their fast deliveries, just read the testimonials available online and you'll see. They delivered my Nolvadex 10 mg just as they promised, this is rare these days when you order stuff online.
Kate Pickering
5 stars out of 5
I was impatient to start my treatment with Nolvadex 20 mg, so I was primarily looking for a pharmacy that would deliver sooner. I decided to try this one because it also had quite low prices. I was not wrong to trust it: I've been buying Nolvadex 20 mg here for three years now, every time I save so much money you wouldn't believe it! The delivery is always fast, just like that first time.
Pierina Gastelum Guardado
4 stars out of 5
My doctor lowered my dose to Nolvadex 10 mg because of side effects. If you are going to take a drug like that, you gotta be sure there are no side effects, because you are together for a long time. On this dosage, I didn't have a single hot flash. I'm also taking a heart medicine, but my doctor said it's okay to combine the two, no interactions should occur. So far seems to be working for me.
Lendvay Ildiko
4 stars out of 5
This pharmacy takes its customers and their concerns seriously. They deliver quicker than any other pharmacy out there. For example, when I order Nolvadex 20 mg from them, I am sure it will arrive in about 5 days! Their fast delivery is not the only thing I appreciate though, the prices are also very reasonable, and their customer support people always help me out.
Hansine Sundet
5 stars out of 5
When you are trying to beat cancer without going bankrupt, having a reliable pharmacy like this one is a must. I come here for Nolvadex 10 mg and am not planning to visit any other pharmacy. I bought this very drug at other places before and got side effects. This pharmacy sells fine quality Nolvadex 10 mg that my body handles very well, and I can feel the cancer going away.
Isabella Pedroza Pichardo
4 stars out of 5
I started to take Nolvadex 20 mg and will continue with the treatment for 5 years. This drug is supposed to stop the growth of cancer cells, so I'm very hopeful. So far, I noticed no serious side effects, I only had vaginal discharge and slight weight gain, I attribute the latter to water retention, a loop diuretic should help me with that. 20 mg should be enough, 10 mg is too low for my case, my doctor said.
Franziska Kruger
4 stars out of 5
Nolvadex 10 mg proved highly effective for me, good thing I started taking it before it was too late. I had breast cancer and was prescribed this dosage for the period of four years, taken twice a day. The 20 mg dose was too high for me. I saw my doctor only once, and then kept taking Nolvadex 10 mg that I purchased at this pharmacy, and I'm cancer free now!
Georgina Hammond
4 stars out of 5
This pharmacy sells high quality Nolvadex 20 mg with discounts, that's the only thing keeping me alive right now. I would not be able to afford the treatment any other way. I came to this pharmacy following the advice of a friend of mine who had to take Nolvadex for five years (I am supposed to be taking it for three). They offer fair prices, the quality of Nolvadex 20 mg I buy from them is very high, so if you still have any doubts, you really shouldn't.
Antje Junker
5 stars out of 5
Been taking Nolvadex 10 mg for five months now, had hot flashes for a while, then they stopped. I had to switch to this lower dosage because 20 mg was giving me more intense side effects. This dosage still works fine though, my tests are improving, but I will still be taking it for a couple of years.
Silje H. Nissen
5 stars out of 5
I thought that my life was over when I learnt I had cancer. After several years of treatment, I'm hopeful again. This pharmacy has the best quality Nolvadex 10 mg out there, and they deliver it really fast. It's crucial not to interrupt your treatment, so I always order in bulk and well in advance, but there were a few cases when money was tight and I ordered when I was about to run out. This pharmacy delivered very fast, so I didn’t have to interrupt the treatment.
Helene Aparicio Hernandez
4 stars out of 5
This pharmacy is a perfect place to order Nolvadex 10 mg or any other drug you may need. I know from my own experience that by far not every pharmacy out there deserves your trust. This one earned my trust and respect by offering reasonable prices, fast delivery, high quality Nolvadex 10 mg and of course excellent customer service. I'm a very happy customer.
Brooke Burgess
4 stars out of 5
This pharmacy made it possible for me to start cancer treatment. I had no insurance, so the treatment would have cost me a fortune. I order Nolvadex 20 mg in bulk at this pharmacy every now and then. I have four more years ahead of me, but things are already looking up. I don't have much money, so this option is perfect for me. What makes me happy is that this pharmacy offers high quality Nolvadex 20 mg, so I'm basically paying reasonable money for the same quality treatment.
Jeanette A. Johnson
5 stars out of 5
I was taking Nolvadex 20 mg to prevent the recurrence of estrogen-positive tumors, the treatment period was 5 years. I got the results back not so long ago, and it's all good. I got so used to taking Nolvadex 20 mg during this time, I think it will be tough not taking it. I was taking one pill a day and had some menopause symptoms, which I guess is unavoidable when you are taking a drug to suppress estrogen.
Medina Pantoja
4 stars out of 5
Thank you for your helpfulness and very reasonable prices. You are my favorite pharmacy that I recommend to everyone. Thanks to you helpful staff and nice prices, I was able to afford treatment with Nolvadex 10 mg a few years ago and beat cancer! Just came back to say thank again.
Lilian Mota
5 stars out of 5
I heard a lot about Nolvadex 10 mg, but it was not my first choice treatment unfortunately. I wasted a year taking another drug, and then started taking Nolvadex 10 mg anyway. My latest test results show it's working well, I don't even have to up the dose, which is good.
Zaira Rodrigez Duran
5 stars out of 5
I was taking Nolvadex 20 mg for 2 years in a row. Did not miss or skip a single dose. I am waiting for the test results to come back, but I feel like it's finally over. I purchased high quality Nolvadex 20 mg at this pharmacy after I'd learnt they purchased it from a licensed manufacturer. When it comes to my health, I always prefer doing some research first. I had a few mild side effects, but nothing worth mentioning.
Alice Sheppard
4 stars out of 5
I'm glad I found this pharmacy right before learning about my breast cancer. I've been taking Nolvadex 10 mg for three years and my doctor is very optimistic. The 20 mg dose would be too much I think, this one works great for me. Thanks to this pharmacy and its low prices, I can actually afford the treatment without going bankrupt. I'm only forty, so that's a good thing.